Monday, November 16, 2009

Benefits of Cardio Interval Training

If you want to efficiently burn fat, cardio interval training is the way to go! Not only does it mix up your routine, but it also maximizes the benefits to your muscles and ligaments.

Interval training takes place when the intensity of your workout changes, changing between low, middle, and high levels of intensity. For example, if you were out on a run, after a slow warm-up, the rest of the trip could be divided into pieces- 2 min at medium pace - 15 seconds sprinting - 30 seconds slow, and so on until the cool-down piece.

By separating your workout into changing intervals of time or distance, the body is forced to adapt. By repeating the same cardio routine the body becomes significantly less efficient as the body comes accustomed to the workout, similarily to if it were building a tolerance.

Interval training has become extremly popular. As well as mixing things up and keeping the body wondering, cardio interval training also incorporates some structural benefits. Many ligaments and stabilizers often go unnoticed and unattended, never being exercised, unless by accident. Interval training incorporates the working of otherwise neglected muscles and tendons.

By adding an occasional sprint in the 15 minute run and knees and ankles will strengthen, also reducing the chance of an injury in the future.


  1. Cardio training? What's that? Just kidding. I think just about everybody could benefit from adding more cardiovascular training to their routine. While many people love to bang weights, do hundreds of pushups, and drink their whey protein, many seem to neglect such an important part of a good fitness plan, which is beneficial for burning fat and increasing endurance.

  2. I usually run at about the same pace almost the whole time while on the tredmil. I always thought I was benefiting from running at a faster pace, which obviously I am, running is running. But I will try switching it up more often in the future. Thanks for the great advice

  3. I also like to run, but I somtimes get bored of feel extra tired and stop my workout early. I think by mixing it up like this it could really help me to stay motivated and keep going!
