Essential fatty acids are imperative in the diet especially that of a body builder.
There are hundreds of fatty acids found in nature, but only 20 of them are common to human food. Specifically, two are essestial for human health- the essential fatty acids- EFA's.
Omega 3's play a large role in human health. Examples include:
-help maintain a healthy immune system
-protect against everyday pollutants
-required for normal brain development
-required for visual, brain and nerve, and adrenal function
-reduce stress levels
-stimulate metabolism
-increase metabolic rate
-increase oxygen uptake
-increase energy
-increase speed in muscle recovery
EFA's can be consumed in food. Flax seed and fish oil are the richest sources.
There are hundreds of fatty acids found in nature, but only 20 of them are common to human food. Specifically, two are essestial for human health- the essential fatty acids- EFA's.
Omega 3's play a large role in human health. Examples include:
-help maintain a healthy immune system
-protect against everyday pollutants
-required for normal brain development
-required for visual, brain and nerve, and adrenal function
-reduce stress levels
-stimulate metabolism
-increase metabolic rate
-increase oxygen uptake
-increase energy
-increase speed in muscle recovery
EFA's can be consumed in food. Flax seed and fish oil are the richest sources.